A comprehensive facility aimed for biscuit manufacturing. The primary concept was based on producing a more functional layout, which responds well to the overall flow of manufacturing process. The master-plan was developed with a key concept in mind: minimize land utilization and save space for future expansion and development, since industrial expansion cannot be predicted and may be exponential.
For factories, reducing operational costs is a key factor. Thus, the overall building has been designed with green concepts.
The building complex has been oriented towards the sunpath, thus, reducing the heat gain through harsh sunlight. Cross ventilation through stack-effect has been enhanced by the strategic positioning of openings and exhaust fans. Lighting has been obtained through sun-tunnels and sky lights.
High performance wall structures further discouraged the solar heat gain, keeping the internal spaces in a comfortable temperature. A rain water harvesting system and grey water treatment plant which allows re-usage of water for auxiliary facilities has been implemented within the design. Noise levels has been reduced in a more creative way by strategically positioning green buffers, which further adds scenic landscape beauty.
Client : Diana Trading Co. Ltd.
Land Extent -3 Acres
Floor Area – 65,000 Sqft
Consultancy – Consortium
Project Duration – 09 months for civil works – 18 months for project completion